Frequently Asked Questions


  1. How do I lodge a Workers’ Compensation claim?

    Employers will need to obtain an Employer’s Report of Injury form from their insurer. These details are on your respective insurer website:

    Guild Insurance:

    Employers and their injured worker [the patient] must also complete a Workers’ Compensation Claim Form

    The completed Employer’s Report of Injury form, Workers’ Compensation Claim form and the WorkCover WA First Certificate of Capacity form (obtained from the first treatment medical practitioner) must be submitted to the insurer within 5 working days from when the injured worker provided you with the signed and dated Workers’ Compensation Claim Form and WorkCover WA First Certificate of Capacity form.

    Please note: If the injured worker was initially treated by a medical practitioner at a GP practice or an emergency department, that medical practitioner should issue the WorkCover WA First Certificate of Capacity form. If the injured worker was referred direct to HANDOC and our surgeon is the first treating medical practitioner, we will issue the WorkCover WA First Certificate of Capacity form. 
  2. I have queries on the Workers’ Compensation process – where can I find more information?

    WorkCover WA is the regulator of Workers’ Compensation in Western Australia. For further information on the Workers’ Compensation process, you can access information on their website at
  3. Who is responsible to book the follow up appointments for the injured worker?

    When a worker attends HANDOC, they are responsible for booking their follow-up appointments.
  4. Can I send through a job description for the worker and suitable duties for surgeon’s review?

    Yes, if a concise list of tasks/duties can be provided to our HANDOC team, it can be sent to the treating surgeon for review.

    If you need assistance with finding suitable tasks/duties in your work place, please contact your insurer to discuss further.
  5. Why has the injured worker been cleared for duties immediately following surgery?

    The surgeon will complete the WorkCover WA Certificate of Capacity specifying if the worker has a capacity for any possible work.

    In most cases, an injured worker will have some level of capacity to work and therefore, to ensure they remain active and engaged with their workplace, they will be cleared to return to work on restricted/modified duties. 

    If you have any questions about the return to work process, you can contact your insurer to discuss or the team at HANDOC.
  6. The injured worker’s certificate shows that they are unfit for normal duties but they have a capacity for work, what duties can they do?

    Please refer to the WorkCover WA Certificate of Capacity and the treating surgeons restrictions noted (e.g. lifting no more than 5kg or avoid use of injured hand).

    If you need assistance with finding suitable tasks/duties in line with these restrictions in your work place, please contact your insurer to discuss further.
  7. I don’t have suitable alternative duties for my injured worker, what do I do?

    Your workplace may have other roles or tasks the injured worker could be fit for in line with their restrictions (e.g. office based duties, supernumerary / supervisor roles). 

    If a concise list of tasks/duties can be provided to our HANDOC team, it can be sent to the treating surgeon for review. 

    If you need assistance with finding suitable tasks/duties in line with these restrictions in your work place, please contact your insurer to discuss further.
  8. Can my injured worker drive?

    Each injury is different and the treating surgeon may provide commentary on the WorkCover WA Certificate of Capacity and report provided by HANDOC if there are any issues with driving, or restrictions on driving.

    If you have any questions regarding this, please contact our HANDOC team to discuss.
  9. When can my injured worker return to full/normal duties?

    The treating surgeon will provide a report that will outline the timeframes for recovery and maximum medical improvement (MMI). Through the recovery process these timeframes may change and the length of time to reach MMI may be reviewed in line with the injured workers’ recovery.
  10. Will my injured worker have a permanent impairment?

    The treating surgeon will provide a report which will outline the timeframes for recovery, maximum medical improvement and indication on if there will be a permanent impairment.
  11. Will HANDOC contact the injured worker post-surgery?

    The HANDOC nurse will contact the injured worker the next business day following surgery for a post-operative care and medication phone call. Where possible, the HANDOC nurse will book a follow-up appointment, dressing change and/or hand therapy as required.
  12. Does my injured worker need hand therapy?

    If the injured worker has had surgery, the surgeon will advise on their operation record if hand therapy is required. If it is a non-surgical injury, the surgeon will advise the injured worker at their appointment if hand therapy is required.

    HANDOC works in conjunction with Specialised Hand Therapy Services, who are co-located with HANDOC in our Subiaco and Murdoch practices. Specialised Hand Therapy Services are also available across WA at various locations.

    The treating surgeon will liaise with the injured worker to refer them to a hand therapy provider closer to their home or work if this can optimise participation.
  13. How often does my injured worker need to attend hand therapy and/or dressing changes?

    This varies depending on the severity of the injury. Injured workers will be advised when they attend their appointments.
  14. Can my injured worker see a local doctor for dressing changes or do they need to return to HANDOC?

    In some regional cases it is more convenient logistically to see a local doctor for dressing changes. Always seek advice from the treating surgeon if you have any concerns about your injured worker’s treatment and options available.


If you have a specific question that has not been answered above, please click here to contact us.